· Help: Templates Add & Edit - MEW Locker Controller 4 Combo |
Code: Template's ID.
Description: Type-in template's description.
Hardware: Select type of Hardware.
Alarm: Alarm beep duration.
LED Invite: If "Run" is selected Metra logo on the UI devices connected to the controller board will blink with Metra heartbeat. If "ON" is selected logo will remain ON, while if "OFF" is selected, logo will remain OFF.
Card Read Beep: If "ON" is selected, sound signalization is turned ON for all keys, if "Emergency only" is selected, sound is generated only when a Master keys is presented while if "OFF" is selected, device wont generate any sound at all.
Remote unlocking: If "OFF" lockers will not be unlocked if an unlock command is received. With other 3 options you can set either the lockers can be opened remotely by pressing the emergency open push button and/or automatically every single day at set time. See Hardware\Metra Network\Remote Unlocking or Hardware\Metra Network\Templates for additional information.
User Waiting - PIN Request Display: After the Locker is closed or when unlocking and Pin code is requested, sign "Pin" or sign "Code" can be displayed on the UI device.
OFF: System specific setting. Locker is in OFF mode when it is not assigned. In OFF mode trigger on the electronic lock is not responding on the locker door closing.
ELS ASSIGN NET systems: If " - Checked" the lockers will be open when they are not in use/assigned. If " - Unchecked" the Lockers will lock automatically when the locker's door is closed. All in all, combination of an Assign system with ELS DOT NET locks is very unusual.
ELS NET systems: Leave this option " - Unchecked".
EX: For FW versions releases after beginning of 2017 you should select "EX15", for older versions contact Metra Support for details.
Block RFID media: Select which types of RFID media the device will not read. Useful for dual RFID cards for which you want to read only a specific RFID chip.
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