· Help: Templates Add & Edit - MEW Locker Controller 1 ELS |
Code: Template's ID.
Description: Type-in template's description.
Hardware: Select type of Hardware.
Control Unit: Group membership enables locking of more than one locker with one ticket (Card, Wristband, etc.). Exactly one locker can be locked with one card in each group. 4 different groups are available or standalone, which means each Elcextronic Lock Controller RFID is in its own group.
Automatic Opening: If " - Checked" once the Locker is closed and successfully locked it automatically opens after the entered time (in minutes).
Locking/unlocking Authorized by Server (ex White List parameter): Parameter was extended in early 2018. From the drop down menu select the desired white list option. FW version 5.9.0 or higher is required for this parameter to work. Setting "Locking ON (allow on timeout) and Unlocking OFF" equals "ON" in the previous SW versions and/or older FW versions.
LED Signalization: If "Normal" is selected, LED is OFF when the door is unlocked and ON when the door is locked, while with the setting "OFF" LED is OFF when the door is unlocked and stays ON for 5 seconds when the door is locked.
Remote unlocking: If "OFF" lockers will not be unlocked if an unlock command is received. With other 3 options you can set either the lockers can be opened remotely by pressing the emergency open push button and/or automatically every single day at set time. See Hardware\Metra Network\Remote Unlocking or Hardware\Metra Network\Templates for additional information.
User Waiting - Time: After the Locker door is closed, system waits for ticket to be presented for chosen number of seconds.
Block RFID Media: Select which types of RFID media the device will not read. Useful for dual RFID cards for which you want to read only a specific RFID chip.
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