· Help: Templates Add & Edit - MEW Locker Controller 1 PPTO |
As PPTO functionality is not yet supported by this type of HW, MEW Locker Controller 1 template should be used insted.
Code: Template's ID.
Description: Type-in template's description.
Hardware: Select type of Hardware.
Locking Authorized by Server: If " - Checked" Metra Electronic Lock Controller RFID DOT NET asks Metra server via Metra NET Network if particular ticket has permission to lock the Locker. System functions as an ELS DOT system while it keeps ELS NET functions e.g. ELS NET specific XML interfacing, etc.. Checking the setting will hide "Color Signalization" setting and add "User Waiting - Time" setting.
Alarm: Alarm beep duration.
LED Invite: Settings "Run" and "ON" have the same result, while "OFF" works similar as other two, but turns OFF after 5 seconds after the locker is locked.
Color Signalization: If " - Checked" locked locker will light blue if it is occupied or green if it is free.
Card Read Beep: This parameter is not used!
Remote Unlocking: If "OFF" lockers will not be unlocked if an unlock command is received. With other 3 options you can set either the lockers can be opened remotely by pressing the emergency open push button and/or automatically every single day at set time. See Hardware\Metra Network\Remote Unlocking or Hardware\Metra Network\Templates for additional information.
User Waiting - Time: Setting is visible only if "locking Authorized by Server is " - Checked". After the Locker door is closed, system waits for ticket to be presented for chosen number of seconds.
Push-Pull Mode: Not yet supported by this type of HW. Must be set to "OFF"
EX: For FW versions releases after beginning of 2017 you should select "EX15", for older versions contact Metra Support for details.
Block RFID Media: Select which types of RFID media the device will not read. Useful for dual RFID cards for which you want to read only a specific RFID chip.
Automatic Locker Assign - Item: Should only be used in conjunction with "Locking Authorized by Server - - Checked. Select which "Lockers ELS NET Minutes" based Item is "sold" when locker is closed. Be careful as also "Lockers ELS NET" based items are listed.
Automatic Locker Assign - Duration (h:mm): Should only be used in conjunction with "Locking Authorized by Server - - Checked. Type-in locker rental duration time.
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