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System page shows WEB application's configuration as it was purchased.
Notes: Additional notes wrote by Metra upon software set-up, maintenance, etc.
Application: Which media (RFID, Pin Code, etc.) is used and supported by WEB application.
Hardware: Supported hardware.
POS Mode:
Media: Which media is used - wristband or card images in POS Client.
Metra POS: If " - Checked" the Metra POS Software (POS Client) is available and can be installed. Metra POS Software is only available with Metra Locker Rental (ELS NET) and Access Control systems.
Simple Locker Reservation: Supported only by "ELS 0003 - SkiData", "ELS 0009 - ISO 15693" and "ELS 000A - MagStripe" applications.
WEB UI: WEB application's user interface theme according to hardware and type of the system (type of Metra electronic locking or access control system).
Check Engines: Available check engines and/or modules. Modules are device type dependant; support for discontinued products.
Network Controller / Access Devices: Only used for testing and demonstration of the system.
Old LCC Reports Visit By: Additional reports, available only on some of the discontinued products.
System Export: Export of financial transactions for import in 3rd party software. See Export documentation for details.
External Delivery: With External Delivery user's purchases can be charged to his room. User pays the bill when signing out. Supports Metra via TCP/IP communication and other 3rd party software. See External Delivery documentation for details.
Event: Interface sends a XML package to 3rd party SW to give an event information about a certain RFID Media in the Metra Access Control system. Information about entrance to the system and RFID media (Wristband, Card, Clip, etc.) capture upon exit from the system are available.
External Access Control: Access rights on Metra access devices are partly or fully managed by 3rd party SW.
Fidelio Key Services: See Fidelio documentation for details.
Settings: Additional system settings.
Delete Member reference in Events older than X days: Regional specific setting. Deletes all references to Members from events data.
Import button: Imports the purchased software configuration form a file supplied by Metra.
Clear button: Clears all settings and resets the WEB application to default mode. User tickets will continue working, but some of the purchased features will no longer be accessible. NOTE: Clear button is no longer available in newer software versions.
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