· Help: Discounts Add & Edit |
Code: Discount's ID.
Description: Type-in Discount's description. Should be used to describe the group of guests.
Enabled: If " - Checked" the Discount is available in Metra POS Software.
Discount for Coupons: If " - Checked" the Discount will only be available for coupon sales in Metra POS Software.
Valid Date: If you want to have date limited discount. Discount will only be valid and visible in Metra POS Software from/to entered dates.
Discount: Discount in %.
ID Export: When exporting into XML file, Code or Export (if entered) can be used as entry's ID.
Contents: Additional discount's information for internal use.
Sort Priority: Discounts in Metra POS Software are sorted according to the number entered. If empty or multiple entries have the same Sort Priority, those are sorted by Code (ID).