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Fidelio Key Services support up to 20 extra doors or areas that can be accessed with guest's RFID media. When programming new guest's RFID media, these are sent as "Key Options" and they are position dependant, i.e. position 1 = garage, position 2 = minibar, etc. Metra PMS interface accepts sent Key Options, matches them with item's (ticket's) code in Metra software and assigns matched item (ticket) to presented RFID media.
In Key Options each position can use values: "1" for enabled, "0" for disabled and " " for default, while in Metra software each position is threaded as a part of the item's code, where "x" is used as a substitute for " ".
In Fidelio software one or more of the key options must be set (reserved) for different Metra items. As mentioned before Metra PMS interface accepts those key options as item codes and one key option can have 3 different values (" ", "0" and "1"), therefore with one option you can choose between 3 different items. With two or more options also different combinations are possible (With 2 options you have 9 different combinations (" ", " 0", " 1", "0 ", "00", "01", "1 ", "10", "11") for 9 different items, etc.).
For example position 1 is used for hotel's garage, position 2 for minibar, position 3 for Metra access, position 4 for fitness, etc.
In Metra software Settings set which Key Options positions to process and which to ignore. In this example this is position 3. " - Check" position 3 and leave other positions " - Unchecked".
Now item's code must be set. For example this will be "unlimited pool access for hotel guests" and "unlimited pool and sauna access for hotel guests".
Create new tickets (services and items) where for example one item's code is set to "xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" and the other is set to "xx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". NOTE: Code must have 20 characters.
From now on, each time Key Options are sent from Fidelio reception desk and key option 3 is set to:
"0" (Disable), ticket "Hotel Pool" is assigned to guest's RFID media.
"1" (Enable), ticket "Hotel Pool & Sauna" is assigned to guest's RFID media.
" " (Default), no ticket is assigned to guest's RFID media.