· Help: Settings - ELS NET
Confirm Unlocking
Confirm Locker Release
Confirm Locker Clear Cards  
Automatic Locker Free after expiration
POS - List Lockers by Usage   
PIN Printing  
Omit payments & taxes on POS printer
Time of Expected Empty Locker:
Expiration Time - Bill:
Expiration Time - Card:
Number of days calculation trigger time:
Locker ELS NET Minutes Tolerance:  
Locker ELS NET Minutes Extend:  
Show locker reservations filtered by sales restrictions   
Automatic OFF if not Locked after Unlock (seconds):  

Confirm Unlocking & Confirm Locker Release: If " - Checked" confirmation is needed when unlocking or releasing the Locker in the Metra POS Software.

Confirm Locker Clear Cards: If " - Checked" confirmation is needed when erasing RFID media - Locker keys.

Automatic Locker Free after expiration: (Check Engine) When locker is expired, Locker status automatically changes to free if " - Checked".

POS - List Lockers by Usage: If " - Checked" Lockers are listed by usage (the least used is offered first) instead in ascending order.

PIN Printing: If " - Checked" PIN code is printed along locker number on receipt. NOTE: If this option is ON, guests need to be instructed to safely store the bill for as long as they use the locker.

Omit payments & taxes on POS printer: Payments and taxes are not included on the invoice when printed form the Metra POS Software if " - Checked".

Time of Expected Empty Locker: On the day of user's departure, we assume that the Locker is empty, if it was opened after entered time. Maintenance, janitor, etc. checks the Locker and if empty, its status is set to free. See appropriate documentation for details.

Expiration Time - Bill: Check out (Locker expiration) time printed on the invoice. After entered time mark Ticket/RFID media will still open assigned Locker until Expiration time is reached.

Expiration Time - Card: Actual Locker expiration time. After entered time mark Ticket/RFID media will no longer open assigned Locker.

Number of days calculation trigger time: After entered time, user omits payment for first day's Locker rent.


Locker ELS NET Minutes Tolerance: Set time in minutes is added to the locker rental time set by a ELS NET Minutes ticket property. Example: If locker rental time is set to 120 minutes, it actually expires after 130 minutes. Additional 10 minutes are set by this setting.

Locker ELS NET Minutes Extend: Set time in minutes is added to the extend time if the locker rental is extended. Example: If guest rents a locker for 3 hours, but uses it longer he/she must go to the reception to extend a locker rental time. If he/she comes by a reception after 3 hours and 55 minutes an additional hour must be purchased. Without this setting guest has only a couple of minutes to unlock the locker or in worst case when he/she is back by the locker to unlock it, the locker is expired again. By setting this setting to 15 minutes guest has an additional window from 4 hours to 4 hours 15 minutes to unlock the locker.

Show locker reservations filtered by sales restrictions: Available only if "ELS NET Client" is " - Checked" on the System page. Only locker reservations that point of sale is allowed make are shown in the "available/in use/expired" table.

Automatic OFF if not Locked after Unlock (seconds): In ELS NET system with lockers set to OFF, lockers do not lock after closing the door if they are not rented. Rented lockers will lock back. To avoid other users accidentally locking their belongings in rented but already cleared lockers, that were left opened this setting can be applied.


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