· Help: Settings - External Access Control |
External Access Control is available only if checkbox "External Access Control" is " - Checked" on the System page. If checked "Enabled" the guest's and employee's access rights on Metra access devices are partly or fully managed by 3rd party SW through Metra TCP/IP interface.
Host: IP or "3rdpartyserver".
Port: Via which port the host is receiving information.
Timeout: Timeout in milliseconds, default value is "5000" = 5 s.
Mode - External Only: Access rights are fully managed by 3rd party SW.
Mode - Issued Staff or Service else External: Staff and Service "keys" are managed by Metra SW and other tickets by 3rd party SW.
Mode - Issued only: First the ticket is checked in Metra SW if it is issued and after that it's access rights are managed by 3rd party SW. Access with unissued ticket is automatically denied. If ticket has assigned an "external check engine" it's quota is also send to 3rd party SW through Metra TCP/IP interface.
Keep Connection: If " - Checked" connection to 3rd party SW is always active which results in faster communication. Not suitable for low performance 3rd party server.
Serialized: If " - Checked" next XML package is send after the result for first XML package is received. If 3rd party software/server does not support multi thread or it's performance is limited.
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