· Help: Items Add & Edit |
ID: Type-in Item's unique ID. NOTE: ID can not be changed once Item is created!
Enabled: If " - Checked" the Item is visible and available in Metra POS Software.
Add Access: If " - Checked" the Item (should be an access ticket) can be added to already programmed access ticket. If both tickets have an access PIN code check engine, the PIN code that was chosen upon issue of the original ticket is applied to the additional access ticket. If the original ticket did not have an access PIN code check engine and the additional has it, user is asked to choose an access pin code upon adding an additional ticket. NOTE: DT Limits check engine from original ticket is applied to all additional tickets. Therefore adding a long term ticket over a daily ticket will not extend its validity, it will only add additional access rights.
Service: Select Service on which the Item is based.
Code: Enter Item's code for quick search in Metra POS Software.
Price: Enter Item's price.
Discount: Enter Item's maximal allowed discount.
Type: If needed select Item's type. Used for Packages, Electric Money, Tokens, Coupons, Deposit, Additional (Daily) Points, Borrow, etc. See also page HOW TO?
Penalty Item: Item's penalty item. Used for Refund, Payment if lost (towel, bathrobe, etc.), Additional Payment, etc.
Group: Item's Group.
ID Export: When exporting into XML file, ID or Export (if entered) can be used as entry's ID.
Ext. ID Export: External Delivery; such as payment to room account, etc.
Image: Used for Metra Self Service Terminal Software (Entrance and ELS NET), ELS NET Client Software, etc. Entered image is used as a button.
ELS NET Self Service Terminal SW Images
Self Service Entrance Terminal SW Images
Orderman Root: Available only if checkbox "Orderman" is " - Checked" under Hardware on the System page. Items will be included in "root" directory on the Orderman Terminal.
Orderman Button: Available only if checkbox "Orderman" is " - Checked" under Hardware on the System page. Enter Orderman's button number. Item will be listed when button is pressed on the Orderman Terminal.
Orderman Group: Available only if checkbox "Orderman" is " - Checked" under Hardware on the System page. Item belongs to " - Checked" Orderman Group. Which Item belongs to which Orderman Group can also be set in Orderman Groups Add & Edit.
Order Printer: From the drop down menu select a point of sale where an order will be printer when this item is sold.