· Help: Check Engines |
DT Limits DT Extend Guest Extra Staff Service PIN |
Capture Locker LCC NET Allow Locked Locker Locker ELS NET Locker ELS NET Minutes Locker ELS NET PIN |
Entrance Delay Entrance Time A Entrance Time B First Day Last Day Minutes Refund Daily Minutes Daily Minutes Gross Exit Time |
Points Day Points Daily Points Custom Points Exit Counter Validate Ring Entrance |
Deposit Allow Delivery Borrow Barcode External Additional Service Embedded Service | Package |
Door Room Maid |
Additional LCC NET Tagsys check engines: LCC Access | LCC Borrow | LCC Point | LCC Token
See also Services Add & Edit Examples.
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Used where there is a need to sell an additional service with certain tickets that has a different tax rate than the original item and can be seen in the analyses as a separate item.
a) With a particular type of ticket insurance is needed
b) Ticket combinations like sauna and food; food has a lower tax rate than sauna in certain tax systems
Selling a ticket that has this additional service functionality in the Metra POS Software automatically adds the additional service to the document as a separate item. Also reversal and returning of the ticket automatically removes this additional service.
The Additional Service check engine can be added on any passage and issued in conjunction with any ticket requiring this functionality.
Example: How to create a Ticket with Additional Service?
Used to
enable cashless vending functionality of CREDIT type inside an access controlled
with the Allow Delivery check engine assigned are allowed to purchase items
inside the system and charge them to the user's (ticket's) account; up to a
predefined limit. If purchases are made exit is denied from the
system on access control devices. Several purchases can be made on the same
ticket, only the SUM is not allowed to be more than the predefined limit. Each
purchase is a delivery note from the Metra SW financial POV.
can be purchased “on the ticket” using Metra POS SW (desktop solution), Orderman TM hand held terminals (wireless solution) or using 3rd
party SW connected to the Metra SW through Metra TCP/IP Interface. All
combinations are allowed.
Exit is
denied to tickets with purchased items, so a procedure must be performed in the
Metra POS SW that converts the delivery notes of the user's (ticket's) account to one
document with all the purchased items; this document must be paid for in the
Metra POS SW using conventional payment methods (cash, credit card, delivery
note with buyer, etc). After this exit is granted.
Allow delivery check engine is to be added on the passage limiting the main
access control ring and issued in conjunction with any ticket requiring this
functionality. Different limits can be defined for different types of users (tickets)
e.g. adult, child, VIP, etc.
Electronic Money
Used to
enable cashless vending functionality of DEBIT type inside an access controlled
system. Allow delivery functionality must also be purchased to enable electronic
money since all Metra POS SW procedures depend on it, even if credit solution is
then not used in the system.
amount of money (conventional payment methods) can be deposited on the user's
account. Usually used for children tickets to absolutely limit their possibility
of spending by prepay, or used generally in systems with no CREDIT
purchases are made or not, exit is denied from the system on access control devices. Several purchases can be made on the
same ticket, only the SUM is not allowed to be more than the prepaid amount (or
a SUM of the prepaid amount and limit of the allow delivery check engine if
electronic money is used in combination with allow delivery). Each purchase is a
delivery note from the Metra SW financial POV.
can be purchased “on
the ticket” using any of the three methods described
with Allow delivery.
Exit is
denied to tickets with any or none electronic money left, so a procedure must be
performed in the Metra POS SW that converts the delivery notes of the
user's (ticket's) account to one document with all the purchased items and uses the prepaid amount
of the deposited money for clearance; What is left of the prepaid money is
returned to the customer. After this exit is granted.
Electronic money on a user's (ticket's) account will prevent user from exiting
only on devices on the passage limiting the main access control ring.
Example: How to set payment with Electronic Money?
Example: How to set payment with Tokens?
Check engine is a part of Locker LCC NET check engine.
Used to boost sales in 3rd party SW by printing barcode coupons. Barcode coupons are printed with the bill in Metra POS SW and valued with a calculated amount that is transferred with the barcode itself to 3rd party SW through Metra TCP/IP interface. Different coupon values are assigned to tickets. When tickets are issued in the Metra POS SW, the sum of all coupon values on the particular bill is calculated and assigned to a barcode which is generated and printed with the bill. Prior to bill & barcode printing the barcode and the coupon sum value is sent to 3rd party SW through Metra TCP/IP interface; See XML package documentation "XMLbrcU5.pdf".
Barcode is generated using an application code and encryption to prevent misuse and fraud.
Example: How to add a Barcode to an existing Ticket?
Used to enable functionality of borrowing items such as
towels, bathrobes, swimming suites, etc. and charging penalties if these items
are not returned.
Tickets with a Borrow check engine (borrowed items) are
denied exit from the system on access control devices. Several items can be
borrowed on the same ticket. Items to be borrowed can be added to any ticket to
be automatically sold with the ticket, or they can be borrowed afterwards (when
the ticket has already been issued with access control parameters) as an
additional purchase.
Exit is denied to tickets with borrowed items, so a
procedure must be performed in the Metra POS SW that grants exit if items are
If items are lost or the guest does not wish to return them, penalty items are
charged for and again exit is granted. Penalty items such as Lost towel, Lost
bathrobe, etc. are usually more expensive (somewhere in the range of purchase
price of the item) than the original borrow price.
The Borrow check engine(s) is to be added on the passage
limiting the main access control ring and issued in conjunction with any ticket
requiring this functionality.
Example: How to create a Daily Ticket with Borrow check engine?
Tickets with the Capture check engine issued are captured upon exit on Metra access control devices with capture capability and “Ring” parameter (see access control devices help chapter). If other functionality of the system is preventing an exit e.g. exceeded duration of allowed presence, unsettled payment(s) (Allow Delivery Financial check engine), borrowed items (Borrow check engine), Ticket is not captured. Exit is not granted (regardless of the capture check engine) until parameters preventing an exit are paid for. When a Ticket/RFID Media is captured its lifecycle is at an end – all check engines issued to it are erased. A new lifecycle as a Ticket begins when it is issued again in Metra POS SW, automatic issuer or through the Metra TCP/IP interface.
Used for
long term tickets to limit number of entrances on a particular
passage for a set time period; e.g. 3 times per week, 20 times per month, etc.
Tickets with the Custom Points check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices upon entrance if there are any (custom) points left for set time period. Each entrance submits one point. In a new time period (week, month, year) all the assigned custom points are available again; Regardless if all custom points were used up in the previous time period or not. Custom points do not transfer to the next time period if not used up in the current time period.
Custom Points check engine must be issued in conjunction with the
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Daily Minutes used for "time of presence per day" limited tickets (e.g. 2 h per day, 4 h per day, etc.) for e.g. staying guests, long term tickets.
Tickets with the Daily Minutes check engine issued are
checked on Metra access control devices:
(ring or
non ring device passage): If remaining allowed presence time is not > 0, entrance is not granted. A procedure of additional Daily Minutes purchase can be performed on POS for
a particular day.
UPON EXIT against the
time stamp of LAST successful entrance that day. If time of exit attempt is
greater than the remaining allowed presence time: Exit is not granted on ring device passage. A procedure of additional payment must be performed at the cash desk;
Item charged is a type of "minutes". Exit is granted on non ring device passage,
because the ring device will stop the guest, procedure on POS follows.
Daily Minutes value is reset to nominal value upon entrance next day.
In order to enable different time presence limits on different passages, the Daily Minutes check engine must be issued in conjunction with the
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a Ticket with time restriction for Sauna and Additional Payment?
Daily Minutes Gross is used for "time of presence from first entrance (that day) per day" limited tickets (e.g. 2 h per day, 4 h per day, etc.) for e.g. staying guests, long term tickets.
Tickets with the Daily Minutes Gross check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices:
(ring or
non ring device passage): If remaining allowed presence time is not > 0, entrance is not granted. A procedure of additional Daily Minutes Gross purchase can be performed on POS for
a particular day.
UPON EXIT against the
time stamp of FIRST successful entrance that day. If time of exit attempt is
greater than the remaining allowed presence time: Exit is not granted on ring device passage. A procedure of additional payment must be performed at the cash desk;
Item charged is a type of "minutes". Exit is granted on non ring device passage,
because the ring device will stop the guest, procedure on POS follows.
Daily Minutes Gross value is reset to nominal value upon entrance next day.
In order to enable different time presence limits on different passages, the Daily Minutes Gross check engine must be issued in conjunction with the
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a Ticket with time restriction for Sauna and Additional Payment?
Used for
long term tickets to limit entrances on a particular passage to predefined
number of days in a longer time period; e.g. 4 days per week, 15 days per month, etc.
Tickets with the Day Points check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices upon first entrance on a particular day if there are any day points left. Only first entrance on a particular day submits one day point. All next entrances on the same day are possible if not differently limited with some additional check engine like Daily Points, etc.
Day Points check engine must be issued in conjunction with the
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a Ticket based on Daily Points?
Used for
long term tickets to limit daily number of entrances on a particular
passage; e.g. 1 per day, 2, 3, etc.
Tickets with the Daily Points check engine issued are
checked on Metra access control devices upon entrance if there are any (daily)
points left. Each entrance submits one point. On the next day all the assigned
daily points are available again; Regardless if all daily points were used up on
the previous day or not. Daily points do not accumulate to the next day if not
used up on a particular day.
Daily Points check engine must be issued in conjunction with the
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a Ticket based on Daily Points?
where the access control system does not support Ticket/RFID Media (Card, Wristband etc.)
functionality due to system topology, lack of capture HW components (Wristband
Capturer) or usage in
Guests are
charged an additional amount
of money upon Ticket issue. This amount is the parameter
of the Deposit check engine. Several different deposits can coexist in the
system; assigned to different tickets. Since this kind of tickets are not
retained by Metra HW, they must be returned manually by the guests. When this is
done a procedure is performed in the Metra POS SW that enables return of the
deposit taken when issued.
deposit is defined to be without tax, as this is only money exchange that is
expected to be returned.
Deposit check engine can be added on any passage and issued in conjunction with
any ticket requiring this functionality.
Example: How to create a Ticket with Deposit?
This functionality is used to enable date extensions of particular ticket (wristband/card) in Metra POS software.
Long term tickets such as so called "point tickets" and similar can expire prior to running out of points.
Guest can be absent from using the facilities due to illness or such, so he had not completely used the ticket which had already expired, but the ticket can be prolonged instead of having to purchase a new ticket.
If the management decides to enable these guests to be able to use up all the points still left on their wristband they this can be performed by a simple operation in the Metra POS software.
Guests ticket is read in the Metra POS software (if it is a Member media this can be performed without actually presenting the RFID media to the reader, e.g. over telephone), through events shown all the visits from the current media lifecycle can be seen and the personnel can determine whether or not the tickets date limit should be extended. This is more the scenario to confirm if guest claims to have been absent for a certain amount of days, weeks, etc.
Another feature of this functionality is that it also supports pricing of each day of extension. This would be used in a case where there is no other circumstance justifying the date extension.
Both are possible at the same time, seen in the Metra POS software as different operations to perform. Also application of each particular operation can be limited by user rights through standard Item sales privileges.
It serves to obtain end date validity limits when issuing tickets. They can be predefined number of days (1, 2, ..., n) from the day of issuing or not fixed/defined to be asked for and chosen upon sale. It is also possible to issue tickets with a start date of validity in the future with all the above mentioned end date features.
The DT Limits check engine acts as a base for issuing tickets in the Metra Access Control system. If a Ticket is defined with the DT Limits check engine, it is considered upon sale that a new life cycle of the RFID Media (Card, Wristband, etc.) as a Ticket begins, so all previously issued entries for this RFID Media have to be removed from the database prior to new issuing. This is achieved if the media is captured by Metra Wristband Capturer or manually erased in Metra POS SW or through the Metra TCP/IP interface.
If a Ticket is issued without the DT Limits check engine, it is considered upon sale as an additional purchase to an existing ticket, so access control data is only added to the existing entries. Additional purchase is valid only for the current day.
Tickets with the Entrance Delay check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices upon entrance against the time stamp of last successful entrance. If time of consecutive attempt of entrance is smaller than the defined entrance delay, entrance is not granted. Useful for long term “unlimited” tickets (e.g. Hotel guest Tickets) to prevent misuse - passing on and usage of Card/Wristband to other guests. In order to enable different entrance delays on different passages, the Entrance Delay check engine must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
Entrance Time A, Entrance Time B
Tickets with the Entrance Time check engine (A or B) issued are checked on devices upon entrance against the current day/time. If current day/time is not within the defined entrance time, entrance is not granted. Useful for e.g. afternoon Tickets, organised swimming pool lessons, etc. In order to enable different entrance time intervals on different passages, the Entrance Time check engine (A or B) must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
I. Combination: (A or A or ...) / (B or B or ...)
Entrance for a Ticket with several different entrance time Ticket Properties; combination of (A or A or ...) or combination of (B or B or ...) on the same passage is checked in a logical OR function. Enabling Tickets with entrance time limits like: e.g. Mondays from time T1 to time T2 and Thursdays from time T3 to time T4, etc.
II. Combination: (A or A or ...) & (B or B or ...)
Entrance for a Ticket with several different entrance time Ticket Properties; combination of (A or A or ...) combined with a combination of (B or B or ...) on the same passage is checked in a logical AND function. At any given time there must be a valid Entrance Time A ticket property and a valid Entrance Time B property to enable entrance.
This enables Tickets to have Entrance time A limits like every day from time T1 to time T2 and a general Entrance Time B limit (e.g. opening time of the facility) which can disable/block the entrance time A limits on a particular day.
Tickets with the Exit Counter check engine issued are
checked on Metra access control devices upon entrance if the previous entrance
was also followed by an exit (on the belonging passage). If there was no exit
following the last entrance, new entrance is not allowed; This indicated
tendencies to misuse the system, therefore a procedure must be performed in the
POS SW to allow a new entrance.
If last
entrance was also followed by an exit (or this is the first entrance), entrance
is granted.
Counter check engine must be issued in conjunction with the
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Tickets with the Exit Time check engine issued are checked on devices upon exit against the current time. If current time is over the defined exit time, exit is denied and additional payment is required. Useful for e.g. morning tickets, etc.
Exit Time check engine must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
Check engine is used to enable giving access to a certain special (Extra) access control barrier e.g. disabled gate. Metra TAT (Turnstile Access Terminal) hardware that is usually used to drive such mechanism is assigned a special direction "Entrance – Extra" or "Exit – Extra", where the device being on the same passage as other access control barriers e.g. Metra TT (Tripod Turnstile), but having the Extra direction.
A usual ticket defined for a particular passage has no access through the devices with any Extra direction. Extra check engine is added to tickets as an add-on, free of charge, after already selling the usual ticket e.g. Daily ticket.
The Extra add-on can be defined in two ways:
First one enabling access also through the devices with Extra direction (on the same passage).
Second giving access only to devices with the Extra direction, thus taking access away from the devices with usual direction "Entrance" and "Exit" (on the same passage).
Only one way of usage is possible on one passage; can be one or the other or none on different passages.
The Extra check engine only performs its function in conjunction with Guest check engine. Staff end Service check engines ignore the Extra entrance and exit direction all together and treat the device as if it was defined with usual entrance and exit direction.
Tickets with the First Day check engine issued are checked on devices upon entrance against the current day/time only if it is the first day of DT limits check engine validity. If current day/time is not within the defined first day entrance time, entrance is not granted.
Useful for e.g. staying (hotel) guest Tickets where on the first day of guests stay e.g. swimming pool is available only after noon. Also useful when staying guest tickets are programmed in advance (pre check-in) and should become valid some time later on the first day of stay.
In order to enable different first day entrance time intervals on different passages, the First Day check engine must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
Tickets with the Guest check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices for the right Passage and date validity. Tickets with only the Guest check engine are granted unlimited access to the particular passage. Each access control device can have only one passage assigned to it, several devices can have the same passage, thus enabling distinctive checking of tickets and grouping devices that control the same passage.
Date validity for the Guest check engine is obtained by building a Ticket in conjunction also with the DT Limits check engine.
Tickets with the Last Day check engine issued are checked on devices upon entrance against the current day/time only if it is the last day of DT limits check engine validity. If current day/time is not within the defined last day entrance time, entrance is not granted. Useful for e.g. staying (hotel) guest Tickets where on the last day of guests stay e.g. swimming pool is available only until noon. In order to enable different last day entrance time intervals on different passages, the Last Day check engine must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
LCC Access (only for Tagsys offline systems)
Used only for Tagsys offline systems where access control parameters of
devices and tickets are defined in the Metra LCC application (lcc_cdr.exe).
Using LCC Access check engine tickets defined in the Metra LCC
application are linked up to Ticket properties in the WEB user interface
(further to services and items).
Tickets defined in the Metra LCC application are only sets of rules for
LCC access control devices e.g. Daily ticket, Long term ticket, Staff ticket.
Each of these becomes one Ticket property in the WEB UI. From here upwards each
service can only contain one of these properties e.g. each of these Services:
Adult daily, Child daily, Elderly daily is assigned the same ticket property
Daily ticket.
From here on all financial and other sales parameters are now defined
here in the WEB UI.
LCC Borrow (only for Tagsys offline systems)
Used only for Tagsys offline systems where Borrow parameters (articles) are defined in the Metra LCC application (lcc_cdr.exe). This is only the case where there is Metra Handheld Token HW (GCR800) used in the system. Articles can be borrowed using these handheld devices or from the Metra POS SW. Max 14 different articles can be defined (HW limit). If there are no handheld devices in the system the Borrow (not LCC Borrow) functionality is used for Tagsys systems like used in other online systems.
Using LCC Borrow check engine articles defined in the Metra LCC application are linked up to Ticket properties in the WEB user interface (further to services and items) to be sold/issued as additional purchases to an already programmed/issued ticket. If they need to be a part of the original ticket when issued, they are assigned to it already in the Metra LCC application and linked to the WEB through the LCC Access check engine together with the ticket. Each of the articles (max 14) becomes one Ticket property in the WEB UI using the LCC Borrow check engine. From here on all financial and other sales parameters are now defined here in the WEB UI. Each service can only contain one of these properties.
LCC Point (only for Tagsys offline systems)
Used only for Tagsys offline systems where Points access control
parameters for tickets are defined in the Metra LCC application (lcc_cdr.exe). Using LCC Point
check engine points defined in the Metra LCC application
are linked up to Ticket properties in the WEB user interface (further to
services and items) to be sold/issued as additional points to an already
programmed/issued ticket.
Points defined in the Metra LCC application are 4 different counters
e.g. Points 1, Points 2, Points 3 and Points 4.
Points 4 have a special functionality that one taken only once per day on
access control devices that are configured to take points 4. Regardless of
number of entrances only one is taken on the same day.
Each of these Points (1, 2, 3, 4) becomes one Ticket property in the WEB
From here on all financial and other sales parameters are now defined
here in the WEB UI. Each service can only contain one of these properties.
Points (additional points) can only be sold/issued separately as an Item (1 : 1 : 1 –Item : Service : Ticket property).
Daily points which also exist in the Metra LCC application do not have an option to be sold additionally as the described (absolute) points!
LCC Token (only for Tagsys offline systems)
Used only for Tagsys offline systems where Token parameters for tickets are defined in the Metra LCC application (lcc_cdr.exe). Using LCC Token check engine token definitions defined in the Metra LCC application are linked up to Ticket properties in the WEB user interface (further to services and items). Tickets defined in the Metra LCC application are only sets of rules for LCC token devices e.g. token limit, predefined different values of tokens. Each of these becomes one Ticket property in the WEB UI. From here upwards each service can only contain one of these properties. From here on all financial and other sales parameters are now defined here in the WEB UI.Tokens can be sold/issued separately as an Item (1 : 1 : 1
– Item : Service : Ticket property) or they can be added to a service already
containing an LCC access check engine and sold/issued together with a ticket.
Same ticket properties can be used for both; usually they are since all
predefined token packages like solarium, massage can be sold upon guests arrival
or later as an additional purchase.
Tokens can also be sold separately in the Metra POS (used as electronic money).
Locker ELS NET
Used to control unlocking of ELS NET lockers and usage of access control devices in ELS NET systems.
RFID Media (usually cards are used for ELS NET systems) with the Locker ELS NET check engine issued are read on Metra Reader Terminal devices and checked if a locker is assigned to them; only when a user wants to unlock a locker, locking is done automatically just by pushing and closing the door. In addition to this also unlimited passage is granted (to card/RFID Media with locker ELS NET assigned to them) through access control devices which are on the same passage as the lockers.
Parameters of the Locker ELS NET check engine are passage, date validity, locker numbers (ranges), number of cards/RFID media and location (if same locker numbers are used for different lockers in the same system).
Several Cards/RFID media can be assigned to the same locker.
Several lockers can be assigned to the same card/RFID media.
Locker LCC NET
Used to
control usage of ELS lockers incorporated in a Metra Access Control system.
with the Locker LCC NET check engine issued are read on Metra ELS control unit
devices and checked for permission when a user wants to lock a locker.
This is used for two reasons, one is to disable locking of lockers with
Ticket/RFID Media that is not issued in the Metra SW and the other to prevent
the guests from leaving the system or passage and leaving a locked locker
behind; this would decrease the capacity of the locker system and whole system
in general as it is used.
Locker LCC NET check engines can be issued to a particular ticket (on the same
or different passage) to enable locking of lockers in different locker areas
e.g. main changing room, sauna, fitness, etc. Parameters of the Locker LCC NET
check engine are passage, locker numbers (ranges) and location (if same locker
numbers are used for different lockers in the same system).
Tickets with locked lockers are denied exit on access devices on the same
passage and also on access devices on the passage limiting the main access
control ring.
can leave an access controlled passage when all lockers are unlocked on a
particular passage or if they have "Allowed Locked Locker" permission.
The Locker check engine can be issued on any passage which is also assigned to ELS control units regardless if there are any access control devices in the system with this same passage assigned to them or not.
Allowed Locked Locker check engine is a part of the Locker LCC NET check engine and it is used to allow Tickets with locked lockers to exit on access devices on the same passage and also on access devices on the passage limiting the main access control ring. Used mainly for employees and other personnel that is visiting the primacies on daily basis and wants to have their own Lockers so they can leave their stuff inside. NOTE: Remote unlocking should be turned OFF or at least not enabled on the Control Units controlling lockers they are using. See Control Unit Templates and Remote Unlocking for more information.
Used for time of presence limited tickets (e.g. 2 h, 4 h, etc.).
Tickets with the Minutes check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices upon exit against the time stamp of last successful entrance. If time of attempt of exit is greater than the defined allowed presence time, exit is not granted. A procedure of additional payment must be performed at the cash desk; Item charged for this is of a Type "minutes".
In order to enable different time presence limits on different passages, the Minutes check engine must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a 2 hour Ticket with Additional Payment?
Used to
enable functionality of Member packages. A predefined number of tickets or
articles is sold (charged for) in advance as a package and used later on a daily
basis (for free or some other price than normal) by Members; Member module is
needed for this functionality.
A package Fitness 1 month is defined with a number of daily tickets (e.g. 31).
It is sold to a member; a particular member must be selected if package is to be
sold. 31 daily tickets can now be programmed from this package (e.g. for free)
until they run out.
In some situations this functionality is used to enable "service gift vouchers".
Issued tickets with the PIN check engine require RFID media to be presented and PIN code entered on Metra Access Combo devices. 4 digit PIN code is generated upon ticket issue.
PIN check engine must be issued in conjunction with
Guest, Staff or Service check engine on the same passage.
Used for
daily or long term tickets to limit absolute number of entrances on a particular
passage; e.g. 1 entrance (daily), 2, 10, 20, 30, etc (long term).
Tickets with the Points check engine issued are checked on
Metra access control devices upon entrance if there are any points left. Each
entrance submits one point.
issued in conjunction with the Capture check engine,
remaining points disable wristband capture. Guest can leave the system with the
wristband if any points are left; this feature is used for tickets with more
than 1 point issued to them (e.g. 10, 20, 30, etc.). When all points are taken
on entrance the wristband will be captured on exit.
term tickets are issued with longer date validity (DT Limits check engine) like a
month, ¼ year, ½ year, etc. One day tickets with one point are date limited.
Usually to only one day (current day).
Points check engine must be issued in conjunction with
Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a Ticket based on Points?
Used for whole day tickets with option of money refund for premature/early departure (e.g. before 3 h of stay, before 2 h, etc.).
Tickets with the Refund check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices upon exit against the time stamp of last successful entrance.
If time of attempt of exit is smaller than the defined refund time, exit is not granted. A procedure of money refund must be performed at the cash desk; Item refunded for this is of a Type “refund”.
If time of attempt of exit is greater than the defined refund time, exit is granted.
The Refund check engine must be issued in conjunction with the Guest check engine on the same passage.
Example: How to create a Daily Ticket with Refund?
Media (Card, Wristband, etc.) with the Service check engine issued are checked
on Metra Access Control devices only for the date validity. They are valid on
all passages even if issued only on one. The purpose of this check engine is
to test the Metra NET Network and devices prior to usage or during repairs. RFID
Media with the Service check engine issued in combination with the Capture check
engine is used on Turnstile Access Terminal(s) and Tripod Turnstile(s) to test
the Wristband Capturer. The same RFID Media is captured again and again; Media
is not erased upon capture if issued with the Service check engine.
validity for the Service check engine is obtained by building a Ticket in
conjunction also with the DT Limits check engine.
Recommended 1 day validity to prevent unwanted misuse if media is incidentally
misplaced or lost.
RFID Media (Card, Wristband etc.) with the Staff check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices for the right Passage (on entrance only) and date validity. They are granted unlimited access to the particular passage and exit on any other unassigned passage.
Date validity for the Staff check engine is obtained by building a Ticket in conjunction with the DT Limits check engine.
Used for employees to limit/grant access to different passages (areas) in the system. Usually these tickets are defined with longer date validity e.g. ¼ year, ½ year, etc.
If Member module is used this check engine can be set up so that before it is issued to any media it has to be assigned to a Member and can not be issued otherwise.
RFID Media (Card, Wristband etc.) with the Validate Ring Entrance check engine issued are checked on Metra access control devices inside the ring. They are denied access to the particular passage if entrance to the ring was not made.